Let’s Chat

Hello everyone, for today’s post, I wanna ask some recommendations from you on how I could improve my blog.😊

Page ‘n Pen has been over a year now and I want to make some particular changes to make my corner work. I have seen the need to enhance many aspects of my blog in terms of the choice of content and pictures, tone of writing, engagement, and more but I need your opinion on what I should continue and what to change for the better.

Though I’ve read pieces of advice on blogging and writing engaging content from other bloggers I look up to which were very useful, it would help a lot to ask you guys who read my blog directly what you can recommend for my blog.

I wanted to be honest and transparent about my writing and blogging level but I trust you guys may help me if you can point out the particular problems (i.e., content, tone, design, etc.) that I can work with.


Specifically, I want to ask the following questions:


1. What are some of your favorite blog posts so far?
2. What topics would you like to see me cover in future blog posts?
3. Do my posts comply with a particular niche?


4. What are your thoughts about the fonts, size, and palette?
5. What do you think about the featured photos and graphic design?

Contents and Posts
6. Are there any improvements or changes you’d like to see in my blog (i.e. design, content format, frequency of posts)?
7. Do you recommend guest posting to see me feature on my blog?
8. Do you prefer longer or shorter blog posts?


9. Is there any other feedback or comments you have about my blog?

I would appreciate it so much if you answer any of the questions above to help me figure out how to improve my blog.
Thank you very much, everyone! 🥂

Maya 😊💙

7 thoughts on “Let’s Chat

  1. I am not a regular reader of your blog that I could advise on specifics. But generally speaking, being regular with posting, interacting with other bloggers is always a good idea.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. In the age of ChatGPT, I’ve found that I enjoy personal posts, especially here on WordPress. Any generic educational posts like ‘what is acrylic painting’ have become dull for me, from a reader’s perspective. Just my personal thoughts though!

    Liked by 1 person

    • So true. I’m not even sure which blog post is real and which is AI-generated!
      Personal posts ensure genuine writing.
      Thank you so much for this, Stuart! You’re a big help 😊


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